Apple nis konferencen vjetore ne San Jose, ja risite e prezantuara!

Written by on 06/06/2018

Apple nisi konferencen e pervitshme qe kompania u kushton zhvilluesve te saj.Ne skenen e San Jose Conference Center, Apple nuk prezantoi iPhone te rinj, por zbuloi risite per gjithe platformat e saj software nga iOS 12 te macOS 10.14, nga watchOS 5 per Apple Watch te tvOS per Apple Tv. Dikush, deri ne fund, shpresoi qe Tim Cook te rishfaqej ne skene dhe te thoshte shprehjen e famshme “One more thing” . Nje gje e cila nuk ndodhi. Ne diten e pare conferences qe do te zgjasi deri ne date 8 nuk pati hapesire per prezantimin e iPhone SE2 dhe me shume mundesi, nuk do te kete edhe ne ditet e ardhshme.Me fjale te tjera, per te pare iPhone low cost 2018 do te duhet te presim disa jave, ndoshta edhe disa muaj. Megjithate, Apple prezantoi para publikut iOS 12, sistemin e ri operativ, i cili do te jete tek kater modelet e reja te iPhone qe do te prezantohen ne vjeshte.

An attendee uses a mobile device to take photograph before the start of the Apple World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco, California, U.S., on Monday, June 13, 2016. Apple Inc. has lost ground to Alphabet Inc.’s Google in the hot voice-activated assistant space. By releasing a software kit at today’s Worldwide Developers Conference that lets programmers integrate Siri into their apps, it hopes to catch up with the maker of Google Now and the Android operating system — as well as Inc.’s Alexa virtual helper — and thus tie customers more closely to its iOS system. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

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